Tech Takeover: For Better or for Worse?
Have you noticed your social media seems to know you these days? It continues to improve in relevance, and it is only showing you content...

Rumour Has It: Fact Versus Fiction in the Markets, AI and Tech
There were multiple factors which caused a meltdown in the Japanese stock markets and corrections everywhere since the beginning of...

How falling interest rates impact your financial life
The Bank of Canada’s interest rate cut in June was slight, yet significant. It was the first rate reduction in more than four years and a...

Will you retire at the same time as your spouse?
You may think the vast majority of couples retire at the same time. However, the last time Statistics Canada reported on Canadians...

A new family calls for a new estate plan
In a typical estate plan, each spouse leaves their assets to the other. When the second spouse passes away, assets are distributed to the...

Why tax deferral works
Whenever you have a chance to defer paying tax, a common thought is, “Why pay tax now when I can pay it later?” However, there’s more to...

Have you reviewed your choice of executor?
Events in your life or changes involving the person you designated may call for a review of your executor—also known as a liquidator,...

Everything You Need To Know About Retirement Planning in Canada
The average life expectancy for Canadians is just over 80 years old . However, as science and medicine progress, this number will keep...

What Is Investment Planning?
Are you ready to get started with investment planning? Investment planning is important for achieving financial goals and building a...

Top Money Management Tips to Improve Your Finances
Are you part of the average Canadian household owing over $73,000 to banks? Are you looking to get your finances in order and improve...